August Edition - React hooks, what and why
Wed 14th August 2019 18:30
Hello again,
For our August meetup, FanDuel has will be very generously hosting us and providing food/drinks.
The plan is:
18:30 - 18:55 - enjoy said food and drinks + chat
18:55 - 19:30 - Talk
“React Hooks, what and why” - Armand Adroher Salvia
This talk will be a short introduction to what are the hooks that got introduced in React 16.8.0. We will get an overview on how they work, what hooks are present by default in the React library and what sort of problems are they trying to solve.
19:40 - 20:15 - we’ll be telling you about our first time speakers event later in the year + do a small workshop on coming up with talk ideas
Hope to see as many of you there!